Monday, August 30, 2021

Lessons from Venus's Flower Basket

Trans.Zool.Soc.Lond.3, 203-215, 1849
"One of the most singular and beautiful as well as the rarest of the marine productions.... the lowest class of organized bodies"...... those were the words of Sir Richard Owen 180 years ago.  He was referring to Euplectella Aspergillum,  the deep sea glass sponge popularly known as Venus's Flower Basket.   With the help of a neatly drawn diagram, he went on to describe   minutely and meticulously the physical  features  of the  sponge   for the benefit of  the learned members of the  Zoological Society of London.  The hand drawn black and white diagram   captures in full the intricate geometry of the object  and can compete with the best digital photograph of today .  The presentation was later published in a subsequent issue of the Society's journal.  And it is indeed a pleasure to read that paper.(see reference 1)
Venus' Flower Basket

The   secret of this sponge's  etherial beauty obviously  lies in its glassy skeleton. The  skeleton is composed of  spicules of amorphous hydrated silica . And where does the silica come from? From the sea water of course.  Sand (Silicon dioxide) reacts slowly with sea water, to yield  Silicic acid (H4SiO4). The sponge has specialized cells  which  secrete  an enzyme  Silicatein, which  extracts pure silica  from silicic acid  and facilitates its  assembly  into  spicules.  The resultant glass fibre has an inner core of  spicules  wrapped in concentric  layers of  silica and organic matter are woven together to form a fine mesh of alternating  holes and squares.    The structure has superior mechanical strength, can withstand with elegance the high speed ocean currents, and various types of mechanical  stresses,  without fracturing. In case a crack is develops in the outer layer,  it remains localised  because the layered structure prevents inward propagation of the crack.  Thus primitive though the organism might be, it is equipped with state of the art technology to build a glass fibre skeleton sturdy, beautiful and functional.

Prof  Joanna Aizenberg at the Harvard University and her team from Bell Laboratories were amazed to find the striking similarities between the sponge skeleton and modern optical fibers.  The glass skeleton is structurally and functionally more  advanced  in comparison to the  man-made optical fibers.  On top of that  while we need  high temperature to manufacture optical fibers, the primitive sponge mocks at us by achieving it at the cold temperature of the ocean bed. 

The sponge is a kind of water pump as well. It sucks  in water  through the  lateral pores and then vents it out from the top. To model   this fluid flow  Falcucci et al needed to run  advanced algorithms at the  High performance computing Center,  Cineca, Italy. Upon simulation   they found   nutrient rich  swirls being generated  within the body cavity of the sponge  which  facilitates  food filtration while  the external ridges reduce hydrodynamic drag and   increase the  residence time of the fluid inside.  Being aware of  the implications of this finding in high riser architecture, Falcucci is excited : "Will there be less aerodynamic drag on high-rise buildings built with  a similar lattice work of ridges and holes?Will it optimise the  distribution of forces applied?"


1.Description of a new genus and species of sponge Euplectella Aspergillum,O

2. Biological glass fibers: Correlation between optical and structural properties: Aizenberg et al., Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.  101, 3358-3363 (2004)

3. Fibre-optical features of a glass sponge

4. Marine sponges inspire the next generation of skyscrapers and bridges

5.How intricate Venus’s-flower-baskets  manipulate the flow of seawater

6. Extreme flow simulations reveal skeletal adaptations of deep-sea sponges: G. Falcucci et al.Nature 595, 537-541, 2021. 

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