Sunday, June 12, 2016

Urgently Needed: Smarter Ways of Separation

Stages of Crude oil refining Courtesy Wikipedia

Chemical industries  not only  top the list of environmental polluters but also  energy guzzlers. According to the US Dept. of Energy,  petroleum, paper and other chemical industries together consume 32% of the total national energy. Of  this 45-55% energy is spent just to separate chemical mixtures.  Separation and refinement of components  are absolutely unavoidable steps in chemical industry. If so could we have more energy efficient separation processes, please?

A report  analysing the energy expenditure  in the US Petroleum Industry,  hints that if we could cut down the energy incurred  for chemical  separations,   possible  saving of 420 TBtu per year could be achieved. Fractionation of crude oil, separation of alkenes and alkanes, separation of isomers of  benzene derivatives - all these  are essential yet  tricky downstream operations Because the components are so similar in their chemical and physical properties, as  of now fractional distillation is the only effective answer. Professors David Sholl and Ryan Lively   (School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engg, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta Georgia, USA)    reiterate  that " Purifying mixtures without using heat would lower global energy use, emissions and pollution and open up new routes to resources."  
Sholl and Lively suggest that we re-evaluate  alternate  technologies such as adsorption, crystallisation and membrane separation. Of course they  are aware that thermal processes can't be avoided altogether but even a partial substitution can cut down  the energy cost and reduce  pollution substantially.  For example petroleum cracking  yields a mixture of paraffins. Ethylene, a gaseous olefin  which polymerises to yield polyethylene, (or polythene as it is  commonly called )  must be isolated from this mixture. The current process of separating  the components  of the   paraffin gas mixture involves first liquifying the gaseous mixture   then subjecting the liquid  to cryogenic distillation under high pressure at ultra low temperatures. Could we avoid  this intermediate liquefaction/distillation step?  If so a lot of energy can be saved.  Perhaps a two step process could be adopted: in the first step carbon membranes  separate the hydrocarbon mixture into individual streams of 99.9% purity at ambient temperature and moderate pressure and the second step adopts cryogenic distillation to achieve higher purity.  
Sholl and Lively list seven processes which would  yield huge energy savings if alternate smarter methods can be devised. 

1. Hydrocarbons from crude oil
2. Uranium from seawater
3. Alkenes from alkanes
4. Greenhouse gases from dilute emissions
5. Rare-earth metals from ores
6. Benzene derivatives from each other
7. Trace contaminants from water  

Scientists and engineers need to think out of the box


Folklore tells the story of a little princess who was harassed by the wicked queen, her stepmother. The little girl had to sort out a hillock high mixture of grains into separate heaps, that too before sunset.  An army of ants came to her rescue and finished the job neat and clean before the timeline ended. 

If only life were a fairy tale!


1. Seven chemical separations to change the world: Sholl and Lively,  Nature 28 April 2016, vol. 532, pages  435-7