Wednesday, February 22, 2012

In step with elephants

Switching between walking and running seem natural to us  but  technically  these are   two different activities. Locomotion, which includes walking, jumping and running is an important topic in biomechanics.  Intense  research in the field  of gait analysis   has helped   orthopaedic medicine a great deal  to not only to  treat and  cure but also to  improve  the designs of orthopaedic aids for  the injured and the handicapped.   Also assumes great significance in sports medicine.

The movement of the centre of mass (COM) of the body, the contribution from potential and kinetic energies and  absence or presence of an airborne status  these are the features  that  distinguish a Walk from a Run.  During  walking  the COG moves in a curvaceous manner from side to side akin to an inverted pendulum, as feet take turns to be grounded and airlifted,  there will be fleeting yet recurring moments when both feet are on the ground, and potential and kinetic energy contributions are out of phase.   During  running the COM is bobbing up and down like a bouncing ball,  there are moments when the entire body is suspended in air,  the potential and kinetic energy contributions are in phase and the kinetic energy demands soar.  The same criteria hold good for quadrupeds too. 

While the fleeting airborne status during running is indeed a reality for  humans or agile quadrupeds such as deer or tiger,  could this be true for   elephants too?   Two teams one headed by Professor  Norman Heglund from the Université catholique de LouvainBelgium  and the other by  Professor John Hutchinson  (  Department of Veterinary Sciences  and  Structure and Motion Laboratory  Royal Veterinary College, London,)  set out to study the way  elephants negotiated distances at slow and faster paces.  The question to be settled was “ do they walk,  or run?”  

A complex proposition indeed. To understand the complexity in its entirety, just  have a look at the  animal   itself.  A mature bull elephant could weigh as much as 5000kg and stand tall at a  3 meters. Give and take a 1000kg or a meter  depending on the generic  and gender variations.   Elephant  legs are  cylindrical columns, in more  precise terms   load bearing pillars; tall, fat and  straight. The feet circumference could range of 120-140 cm.  The front  foot  is quite circular in shape, and the rear  a bit  oval.  Composed mostly of elastic fibrous tissue these are very efficient shock absorbers too. Anyway,  with such proportions it is not easy to have a graceful gait, yet elephants walk majestically. But can they really run?
To monitor the gait features of the heaviest animal on earth,    Heglund and team decided to construct a test rig at the  Elephant Conservation Centre (ECC) in Lampang, Thailand.  As Heglund  puts it “an 8 m long, elephant-sized force platform from sixteen 1 meter square  force plates.”  Force plates are devices which work on Newton's Law that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Complete with transducers,  cameras and computers it measures the ground reaction forces exerted as one  walks on it .  The entire set up   was custom built in  Belgium and shipped to  ECC,  where they  were assembled over a sturdy reinforced concrete platform in the middle of a long gait track.  

It must not have been easy to get the elephants  walk over the  desired path.   They must have  needed excessive coaxing by their mahouts.  Even then  instigating them   to  charge forward  onto  the test rig must have been no less than  close encounter with danger. A herd of 34 elephants including a baby of  870kg  and an adult of 4000kg finally  participated in the experiment.  Speed profiles and  corresponding energy diagrams over the center of mass were recorded for each one separately. 

Now to the results:  believe it or not the elephant  is indeed a very very energy efficient  animal.  The team found out  that  the energy expenditure on locomotion for an  elephant’s  is 1/3rd that of humans and 1/30th that of mice.  Elephants  take quicker steps; ( high “step frequency”).   At slow pace they have 3 feet grounded and in  "faster mode " have two feet on ground. While this effectively keeps the COM  displacement  and hence energy requirements to a minimum,    doesn't  qualify for running; because the mandatory  airborne phase is absent.      However energy diagrams recorded a slight vertical displacement   of  the center of mass ( bouncing),  characteristic of trotting during the second half of the gait cycle! 
Ha so the elephant walks as it trots!     

1. Biomechanics of locomotion in Asian elephants J Exp Biol 213, 694-706.2010, Genin et al
2. Integration of biomechanical compliance, leverage, and power in elephant     limbs    Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 2010 107:7078-7082. Ren et al