Monday, October 12, 2015

''Pot''ful of medicines

For decades  intoxicating heavy smoke has  hid the medical benefits of the pot . Because of this,  Governments   outlawed the poor plant Cannabis Sativa together with its cousins  indica and ruderalis, root, stalk and leaves. But  how long can you suppress scientific curiosity?    Now scientists want to relook at the plant and the chemicals it produces, because they believe cannabinoids( a general term for chemicals derived from the plant) could lead to very useful  pharmaceutical products.  Governmental regulations in some countries have loosened their grip to allow enough flexibility for scientific research. 

It is assumed that Cannabis plant originated  in central Asia  and spread across the globe. Humans made use of the plant mainly for the grain and  fiber  (hemp). Somewhere around 2700 BC , Chinese emperor Shen Nung  discovered the medicinal potential  of the plant. Its leaves or buds were burnt and smoke inhaled to relieve pain. Millenniums later,while working at the Medical College of Calcutta, India,  W.B O'Shaughnessy an  Irish doctor,  discovered the use of Cannabis among the natives both as a medicine  as well as recreational drug.  In October 1839 , he presented a paper  On the preparations of the Indian Hemp (orGunjah) .  Portuguese physician  Garcia de Orta spent  better part of his life in India researching tropical medicines. In his book Colloquies on the simples and drugs of India gives a detailed account of  Bangue, Cannabis indica.    But these were  not exactly systematic scientific studies and hence the medical benefits  of Cannabis remained unsubstantiated.  That is the flashback for Marijuana the grass and its  crudely refined products hashish/charas.

 On the leaves and buds  the plant  bears  little pimple like protrusions called trichomes and these are rich in a variety of chemicals classified as   cannabinoids, terpenes etc.  The poor plant produces these chemicals for a variety of reasons  for example to  to lessen moisture loss, to ward off predators and to shield off ultraviolet rays. Reading O'Shaughnessy's paper British  chemists were excited and they isolated   Cannabinol from the plant extract   in 1899.     
 Cannabis flowers with Trichome
Courtesy Wikipedia 

Cannabinol: Courtsey:Wikipedia
Chemists  were  just rolling up their sleeves to dig  deeper into the  plant concoctions to isolate more active ingredients, but alas  International Regulations and  Laws banned the    handling and use of psychotropic substances. Special pemissions had to be obtained to work on all narcotics. But  there  are those  who are not easily deterred.  And hence a few groups toiled on. Israeli chemist Mechoulam isolated the one and only  psychotropic ingredient in Cannabis,  Tetra Hydro Cannabinol (THC). It was indeed a huge morale boost for them when follow up studies by  neuro pharmacologists  showed  that  humans have built in receptors CB1 and CB2 specially reserved for Cannabinoids. That meant two things:   the human  body is  equipped  to receive cannabinoidlike chemicals and might actually be producing some ! Of these receptors  CB1 type is  found mostly in the central nervous system and CB2 in the immune system.   In  2014, a review appeared in the journal of American Academy of Neurology on the Efficacy and safety  of medical marijuana in selected neurologial disorders. 
Cannabidiol(CBD) Courtesy: wikipedia

Tetra Hydro cannabinol(THC)
Courtesy: wikipedia

GW pharmaceuticals based in UK  holds permission for conducting research in cannabinoids. A mouthspray developed from whole cannabis extract is approved in several countries for treatment of spasticity in multiple sclerosis patients. Another  drug  for epilepsy will soon be in market.  


1. Cannabis Outlook: Nature 24 September 2015.