Friday, February 26, 2021

Cellulose Again

Cellulose chain courtesy Wikipedia
The  story of plastics actually began with cellulose,  way back during the last two decades of nineteenth century.   Cellulose,  isolated from wood pulp  was subjected to serious chemistry and Hyatt Manufacturing Company brought out celluloid in 1870.  This was cellulose nitrate  made  sufficiently pliable by adding small amounts of camphor.  But the material had a huge drawback; it was a fire hazard,  it burst into flames spontaneously  at the slightest provocation.  In fact its more popular name was gun cotton and often substituted for gunpowder.   Its meeker cousin cellulose acetate  was  synthesised by French chemist  Paul Schutzenberger.  The credit for taming cellulose acetate and unravelling several of its  useful qualities goes to two siblings Camille and Henri Dreyfus.  They found that cellulose acetate  could be made into neat protective films, spun into fibres,  and could also be injection moulded  into any desired  object.  In 1912  Swiss chemist Brandenberger perfected the art of making cellophane a thin transparent  film which revolutionised the packing industry.   But the golden period of cellulose plastics  was short lived.  The two world wars  demanded  cheaper, more versatile plastics  and the petrochemical industry generously provided cheap raw materials  for  the nylons, polythenes, polyesters, polyurethanes, polycarbonates etc.....  Cellulose was marginalised  for limited  applications.

Courtesy :wikipedia
In a recent comprehensive review   Tian Li and coworkers  highlight the need to relook at cellulose. They build a case particularly for cellulose fibres downsized to smaller free standing  fibrils. Such  microsized or nanosized fibrils  could be  made into  transparent papers with gloss and texture,  excellent for various  packaging applications.  This biodegradable material could prove to be the best alternative  to  the  millions of tons of nondegradable plastic garbage we keep  accumulating on a daily basis. 

These fibrils could also be excellent reinforcing materials.  Cellulose has an abundance of hydroxyl groups  which can form  extensive intra and inter chain  hydrogen bonding. Such  networks can  improve the mechanical properties of composites.  It has since  been established that  nano cellulosic fibrils perform far superior to conventional micro size  fibrous  reinforcements in composites. Japan's Ministry of Environments has already taken note of this and initiated Nano Cellulose Vehicle Project (NCV) to develop lightweight automotive components.  Calculations show that a 10% reduction in the weight of the vehicle  could  reduce fuel need by about  6%.  

Though cellulose is a plentiful, renewable resource,   challenges remain.  One that tops the list is the energy and cost intensive steps involved in the  isolation of cellulose  and its subsequent  processing  into  nano form. Global teams are at work to tackle this challenge.    Researchers at the  Edinburgh Napier University in collaboration with South African Paper and Pulp Industry (Sappi)  seem to have developed a  cost effective process  to turn wood pulp  into  "nanomaterial that could be used to build greener cars, thicken foods and even treat wounds".


1. "Developing fibrillated cellulose as a sustainable technological material. Li et    al.; Nature  590,pp 47-56, 4 February 2021

2. Tokyo Motor Show 2019: NCV (Nano Cellulose Vehicle Project)

3. Conversion Economics of Forest Biomaterials: Risk and Financial Analysis of CNC Manufacturing

4A New Low-cost Process to Make Nano cellulose

4.American Process: Production of Low Cost Nanocellulose for Renewable, Advanced Materials     Applications.  

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