Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Taming Hydrogen :Enzymatically

New Year ushers in new hopes and sets aggressive targets. 2014 is no different.   Toyota, the Japanese auto giant unveiled  the  concept version  of a  hydrogen car  or the FCV (fuel cell vehicle)  at  the Consumer Electronics show  currently being held at Las Vegas. The cars will be marketed in California next year and even  the blueprint  for Hydrogen gas stations are ready The car, it is claimed   can reach a maximum speed of 100mph and accelerate to 60mph in 10 seconds.Moreover a fulltank run of about 300 miles is assured. Toyota didn't specify a price , but a humble guess is:anywhere between 50,000  -100,000 USD. (1). Hyundai and Honda motors are also fast catching up

Hydrogen,is the  simple, unassuming numero uno of  the periodic table.  Henry Cavendish, the eighteenth century chemist was the  first  to identify  this colorless odorless gas  and realize that upon combustion it yielded  water. That is why Lavoisier later named it   Hydrogen  that which yields water.  With just one electron and one proton, how complex can it chemistry get? Sure it is simple but  explosive too. It can burst into flames at the slightest provocation. Now combustibility is the hallmark of fuels, and naturally questions popped up among scientific circles. Could hydrogen be the ultimate fuel, because the product of its combustion is the benign and benevolent  Water. Can there be a greener fuel? However easy  combustibility, though highly desirable for a fuel, makes its storage and handling extremely difficult and dangerous.  Scientists have been trying  for decades to tame hydrogen. Indeed  there are success stories, but the price tags are  so exorbitant  that hydrogen as a fuel isn't a commercial success yet .If storage, handling and transportation of hydrogen become  cheaper and viable (on par with that of the crude oil,) then FCVs,  will soon be within common man's reach. Persistent efforts at all levels are on to tackle issues.  It is in this context that we must once again acknowledge help from the   lowly microbes.   

In a recent issue of Science magazine Schuchmann and Muller (Molecualr Microbiology and Bioenergetics, Institute of Molecular Biosciences, Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt Germany)  report (2,3)a clever way of  restraining this mischievous molecule. The method may even be economically viable.  Schuchumann and Muller  found a perfect ally in Acetobacterium woodii. These microbes thrive at room temperature , need no oxygen (or in more scientific terms they are anaerobic. It contains an enzyme Hydrogen Dependent Carbon dioxide Reductase,(HDCR) which can chemically link hydrogen (hydrogenase ) to carbon dioxide or peel them off (dehydrogenase) if necessary. In  other words the reaction is reversible. The reaction as depicted  below is quite simple, and devoid of the usual complexities of enzymatic catalysis. Earlier Reda et al(4) reported the use of an electroactive enzyme to bring about the reversible reaction of formate , but  hydrogen molecule did not play any direct role there.

Formic acid is a liquid,and  noncombustible which solves the problem of  storage , handling and transportation.  Schuchmann and Muller point out an  additional advantage; possibility of using  syngas, as the input  stream. Syn gas  is a mixture of  carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and hydrogen. (CO, CO2 and H2,)  and is produced in bio gas generators. 
The concept of trapping hydrogen in carbon dioxide is not new (4,5). There are chemical methods to do  it, however  they all suffer in one way or the other either  by way of low yields, high temperature requirements or expensive catalysts.   Schuchumann and Miller are hopeful that their discovery  could be a biotechnological breakthrough.

But there are more  road blocks in the path of FCVs :for example   industrial scale manufacture of hydrogen  may not be so green. 


2.Direct and reversible Hydrogenation of CO2 to formate by a bacterial carbon dioxide:
   Schuchmann and Muller, Science Vol 342, p 1382-1385 , 2013 

3.An enzymatic route to H2 storage  Pereira Science 342, p,1329-30, 2013 

4.Reversible Interconversion of  Carbon dioxide and formate by an electroactive enzyme:   Reda et al Proceeeding of the National academy of Scienes (USA) Vol. 105(31)  pages  10654-10658, 2008

5..Reversible hydrogen storage using CO2 and a proton switchable iridium catalyst in   
   aqueous media under mild temperatures and pressures:  Hull etal  Nature Chemistry : 
   Vol.4,    pages 383- 388,  2012


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