Friday, November 30, 2012

Goodbye, Mr Chimps

Historical Mansion of Lin An Tai, Taipei ( Taiwan)

I am at the lab usually by 8.00 AM. There are several others who work in shifts to observe and to be observed  because we conduct high end experiments and   hence the need for a 24/7 vigil. Parking lot is visible through the window and Chimps can see me  getting out of my car. He knows that   I get in early so that  I can get a spot  close to this building.  If it were in his power, he would  have ensured that this spot is reserved for me permanently. He is my best friend for the past several years, he has been here longer than me and knows  more than me about the lab and the people.  He grunts when I make mistakes, grins when my experiments are successful.  Usually as soon a  he hears my footsteps in the corridor, he gets up and, swings hanging onto the iron door frame. What a grip, it never slips, at least so far. I admonish him for such acrobatics “ You are getting old, be careful” , but he gives me a huge grin  and reaches for  the breakfast packet.  We split the breakfast – I always carry enough for two-  but not the banana, that is  for him only.

But today he seems  different,  gloomy   and withdrawn. Idiosyncrasies of old age?  Of late he doesn't like me spending too much time with others, did I stop in the corridor too long to exchange a few words with  M.?  You know he notices every single detail. I ask my colleague who was in the night shift and now busy packing up to leave, "What happened? He isn’t  feeling well, looks like .  Or you chided him for something  silly ?" 
“Oh you don’t know?  The authorities are planning to retire him”
“Retire? What  would he do ? At this age? And he has nowhere to go either” I am aghast. "But how did he come to know about it ,I mean did someone tell him specifically ?"
“Oh Come on, He has been here for the past 30 years and he is intelligent enough to understand the goings on. Did we not panic last year, when the talks on downsizing  where in the air ,without being told point blank?”
“Well, but he is a bit different, isn't he? But what would he do ? How will he survive? We can just turn him out “
“He is entitled to  receive full retirement benefits , including medical, I believe.  Better than what most  us can expect.  You know his entire family has  dedicated their lives from day one,  for scientific research.  Elder siblings Rita and Theresa were adopted by the NASA, a few others  were with the  health programs on infectious diseases, HIV/AIDS, cognitive and behavioral sciences …….....  Only the AIDS research didn’t lead anywhere, because they didn’t respond at all.    All of them- they are all much  older than Chimps - have now been retired and  you know what and are being rehabilitated in a resort. “
“You are kidding,  a resort? “
“No! this is not a joke. Chimps  too will be taken there. I hear it is a fantastic place with all modern  fittings, almost like a spa.  Chimps can finally be reunited with his family there. But alas, they may not recognize one  other."
"What do you mean, they won’t recognize?”
“Ha! You are really ignorant.  Chimps,  was  separated from  his biological mother the moment he was born,  just like Rita and Theresa and dozens of  others before them. They were all  bred for  very specific causes by different adoption  agencies.  So  there has been no family bonding whatsoever”.
 “Oh ,then  indeed poor darling will be miserable at the resort.”
“ You know, but that will be best for him, to be with his kith and kin at least   during  the sunset years, they are all very  intelligent, they  will get used to one another . That is the best  we can do for them, after all they dedicated their body and soul for scientific research. I don't mind a bit that we need to foot their retirement and medical benefits bill  ”
“Perhaps you are right, but  we must  visit him every week, how about every Saturday?  By the way what is name of this resort ? “
“ Chimp Haven, the National Chimpanzee Sanctuary, just 22 miles off Shreveport, in Louisiana. Not very far from here. It will be a nice picnic for the whole  family". 

Deeply moved by  a  report that  the National Institute of Health (USA)  is attempting  to rehabilitate  about a 100 chimpanzees, who are no longer of research value , since invasive research on Chimpanzees has become irrelevant. 

 “ NIH faces Chimp housing quandary “:Nature 491, 2012, page 18. 

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