Who isn’t worried about
hair? Age and gender take a united stand against this common enemy. And what challenges! Either it is too oily or too dull; too thin or
too bushy; too curly or too
straight to be styled; greying too fast
or too dark to take up any color! Every
third commercial in the TV suggests solutions with desirable outcomes. Pick
your choice.
Besides being the crowing glory, body hair as an integral
part of skin plays an important role in maintaining homeostasis. The hair that
sticks out of the skin is actually a string of dead cells. But can there be
death without birth? Indeed hair too goes through a birth and growth period before embracing death.
Life cycle of the hair is actually the life
cycle of the hair follicle. No new hair follicles are made postnatally,
the lower portion of the follicle goes through cycles of regeneration to produce new hair to replace the old. For this
we are born with a storehouse of stem cells Anatomically this storehouse is called
the “bulge” ( a rather unscientific term, I
agree) at the base of the hair follicle. These stem cells are
pluripotent, means they can differentiate into adult hair follicles, epidermis
or sebaceous glands. Because of the pluripotency and also because they can be easily cultured
in the lab, skin
stem cells have
attracted considerable scientific curiosity. Several laboratories around the world are actively involved in unravelling the mysteries of the skin and
Anagen and Telogen are the active and resting phases
of the hair follicle cycle. The dynamic transition from growth state to
rest state is the catagen phase. During the
anagen phase the hair follicle sports vigorous growth and hair forms. How long the anagen phase prolongs decides how
long the hair will be. But this is genetically predetermined. At the end of the
growth phase, the blood and nutrient
supply to the follicle is cut off and it shrinks and shrivels. The nascent hair is pushed up to replace the old one. The
shrivelled follicle rests before getting rejuvenated for the next cycle. Every single hair
follicle goes through these three stages albeit not at the same time. The green,
amber and red signals during the hair life cycle is definitely not synchronised. Imagine
shedding all our sclap hair in one go!
What a disaster. Likewise hair on the scalp has a different cycle time than the one on the eyebrow or for
that matter hair on the hands. There are
instances of synchronized seasonal
cycles. For example it has been
reported that in several breeds of sheep
the hair is in the telogen phase during
winter months. When the ambience warms up in spring the follicles move into anagen
phase and get ready to shed the old hair.
Sure enough there is a circadian rhythm
at work and scientists had recognized
this very early. The biological Master clock is in the hypothalamus, (suprachiasmatic
nuclei to be precise) but then there are a few autonomous ones scattered
elsewhere in other tissues, skin being one among them. The circadian rhythm is implemented through a very intriguing interplay among sets
of proteins called, CLOCK, BML1, CRYs and PERs. The dancers frequently change partners, take quick forward and backward steps, ( positive and
negative feedbacks) to
regulate the anagen, catagen, telogen phases.
Janich et al (3) conducted in vivo and in vitro studies on
special breed of rats. They focussed on the
“bulge” stem cells. The stem
cells have two classes of population: one group in an “Ever Ready to Go” state, while the
remaining lazily dozing off. What causes this class divide. isn’t yet clear. But Janich et al observed that by disrupting circadian
rhythm they could either increase or
decrease the population ratio. However
upsetting the circadian rhythm
proved detrimental because it led to premature aging.
1. Epidermal stem cells:
Properties, markers, and location
Robert M. Lavker and Tung-Tien
PNAS December 5,
2000 vol. 97 no. 25 13473-13475
2. Epidermal stem
cells of the skin.Blanpain C, Fuchs E. Ann. Rev. Cell Dev Biol 2006;22:339-73.
3. The circadian
molecular clock creates epidermal stem cell heterogeneity.
Jannich et al Nature Vol. 480,
209-214, 2011.
4. Clock genes, hair
growth and aging
Mikhail Geyfman and Bogi Andersen AGING, Vol 2, No 3 , pp 122-128, 2010