Sunday, January 27, 2019

A Twist: At a Magic Angle

Graphene Artist's representation
: Courtesy Wiki
It is unbelievably true. A small twist,  hardly 1.1degree and lo and behold you have a superconducting material. Scientists have been trying tirelessly to tame the phenomenon of superconductivity and to make materials that exhibit this property at room temperature.  Not that we are anywhere near room temperature  as yet, but something amazing has caught the attention of scientists. And it is about graphene  sheets.

Everything about Graphene has been unconventional,  from the very beginning. Graphene is a mono layer of carbon atoms  arranged in a hexagonal format. Scientists   Geim and Novosilov  (who later received the Nobel Prize in Physics 2010) were the first to  peel off such layers from a graphite lump using a scotch tape. 

A team of scientists 12 years ago demonstrated that  graphene  bilayer could be turned into  a tunable  semiconductor when a small electric voltage is  applied  across the sheet. 
And now MIT Professor  Pablo Jarillo-Herrero and his team of students are flying high as they  demonstrate that a slightly misaligned pair of graphene sheets, cooled to almost absolute zero, could switch its behaviour  between an insulator and an unconventional  Superconductor, when a voltage is applied.  

A slight twist of 1.1 degree- as simple as that?, Scientists all over the world are wondering.  At the recent Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society, when Jarillo-Herrero presented his results, the lecture hall was overflowing; audience spilled over and  stood wherever they could, to  hear him talk.  The theory behind the phenomenon remains to be worked with the rigour it demands. However the general assumption is that the 1.1 degree twist  drastically alters  the electronic properties of the ensemble. Graphene is a pure clean system and scientists are confident that it  is an easier system to study than those complicated mixed oxides which have earlier exhibited such property. 

Twistronics is the buzz word now.  As one scientist puts it everyone is taking their favourite thing and twisting it with their other favourite thing, all in the hope of striking  it rich with superconductivity.

1. Insulator or Superconductor? MIT News 
2. Superconductivity with a twist: Gibney,E.; Nature 2019, 565 pp15-18
2. Y. Cao et al., “Correlated insulator behaviour at half-filling in magic-angle graphene superlattices,” Nature 556, 80 (2018).
3. Y. Cao et al., “Unconventional superconductivity in magic-angle graphene superlattices,” Nature 556, 43 (2018).
4.Carr et al., Twistronics : Manipulating the Electronic Properties of Two-dimensional Layered structures through their Twist Angle  APS March Meeting 2017 Abstract E33.003