Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Sneezing: A study in fluid dynamics

Sneezing is an explosive event. There are some who can sneeze unobtrusively into their handkerchief  but more often than not it is an involuntary, uncontrollable  reaction of the body to  tinkling in the nostrils. Why would anybody want to analyse sneezing?

Lydia Bourouiba's area of research is the interface of  Fluid Dynamics and Epidemiology.  A faculty at the MIT, Cambridge, USA,  she with her research team is in the process of understanding the fluid dynamics of sneezing.  It is a well accepted fact that  fluids expelled by an infected person during a sneeze or a cough have the potential to infect those who are nearby. If this violent expiratory event, as Bourouiba describes sneezing, could be well understood in terms of  how far the pathogens could be propelled, then public health officials could put in place appropriate programs for the containment of contagious diseases.
A sneeze in progress: courtesy wikipedia 
For videos taken by Bourouiba's group visit Video Gallery
A " let go " sneeze has been vividly captured in the picture shown. Aerogel particles spewed out by the sneezer (if I may use the term)  spread  and eventually disappear into the air. Bourouiba and her team are  concerned about   how fast and how far the aerosol particles can travel.   Healthy volunteers  were invited to participate in a study and their nostrils were tingled in the old fashioned way to induce sneeze. The research team then  captured the entire event using ultra high speed cameras.  
Violent expulsion of air -saliva mixture formed an elongated   cone of  turbulent cloud which expanded and  spread around.  (The dynamics has marked differences  from the focussed high pressure spray from an aerosol can).   The team was surprised to find that aerosol droplets could reach  as high as the ceiling and as far as the end of he room. They also observed that the droplets could persist in the air  for almost 10 minutes. In a follow up study  the team  took 8000 frames per second to film  the entire process of sneezing.  Replaying it later in slow motion, they saw  that  fluid mixture is expelled as a sheet which breaks up into rings as air pokes holes in the sheet, the rings   then elongated into filaments and ultimately formed droplets. Droplets  are then transported through the air  by diffusion. The diffusion controlled movement of aerosol droplets in  confined spaces such as inside a cinema hall or an aeroplane is what interests Bourouiba and her team. They want to understand how  the logistics of airflow within the confined space,  ambient temperature,  humidity, etc. will influence  aerosol size  and transport. 

1. Where sneezes go- Corie Lok,  Nature pages 24-26 vol. 534, 2 June 2016. 
2. Bourouiba Group